What We Do

Beginning with our launch in 2024 TPF will allocate $30,000 in grants to fund childcare for artists while they rehearse, are in residence, tech, tour or perform.

Who does this apply to?

Are you a dancer going on tour and need to hire a local nanny while you tech and perform?

Are you a performer doing a show downtown who needs to keep baby close to support your breastfeeding journey?

Are you a designer traveling for work and need to bring along your trusted nanny and need help paying for their travel?

Are you a company looking to support your artists by making sure their paychecks go to them, not a babysitter, for their hard work?

Are you a mother/father/parent/caregiver who knows having their child surrounded by the arts from a young age not only supports your work, but creates the next generation of art lovers, audiences and community?

We want to support you!

Supporting Parents makes our art world fuller now, supporting their children guarantees it will continue beyond now, and making space for all in the arts is what will make it unbreakable.

Grant Requirements

  • Grants must be distributed to the non profit hiring the artist. Individual artists should work along with the company to find the use of the money that works best for the individual project.

  • Grants must be used to create childcare assistance for artists. This can mean, paying for transportation of the performers home nanny on the road, hiring a babysitter or nanny locally when doing a residency, hiring a nanny or babysitter to work at your theatre as support staff for your artists with children or many other varieties of uses.

  • We recognize these grants will only be one part of creating a welcoming and supportive working world for parents in the arts. We’d love to hear what else your company is doing to help these artists thrive.

  • Grants will be distributed in multiple sizes so let us know as much about your needs and how you will use the funds as you can! Some examples are below,

  • $5,000 grants for a company that is committed to supporting an entire season of childcare for their artists.

  • $2,500 grants for companies that want to fund travel for a child to join a long term tour or out of town so they aren’t separated from their caregiver.

  • $1,000 grants for out of town residencies where a local nanny or travel from home nanny join to care for children of artists on the team.

  • $500 grants for short run shows where a theatre or company will bring in a nanny to care for all children of the artists while they tech and perform.