The Theatrical Parents Fund

Supporting Artists by supporting Caregivers

Our Organization

Founded by a Designer and Mother who saw first hand the challenges of fostering her family and artistry in the theatre world. Our mission is to provide funding for caretakers so designers, dancers, actors, circus performers and theatrical artists of all kinds who are also parents can help their craft and children grow together.

The theatrical world has spent too long losing the artistry, grit and talent of the caregivers in our community due to bias and discrimination.

Welcome to the Theatrical Parents Fund, generously funded by Barbara Erin Delo and BECostumes. This initiative is dedicated to ensuring these artists can thrive and grow in their work while those they care for thrive and grow alongside them. If you’d like to learn more about our founders story head to

Grant Application

Ready to Apply? Click the link below! We can’t wait to hear your story and welcome you into this wonderful community. *Please be sure to check out the grant details on the What We Do page so your application process will be smooth and simple!